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This week I am the queen of Self-Doubt

Here just a few of the lies I heard this week:

"Literally anyone could raise your kids better than you."

"Who are you to teach anyone anything?"

"You will never make it in your career. Other people have been doing it longer and new talent is popping up every single day."

I'm not joking. These aren't just lies I heard, they are lies that I believed and to be honest I still am not sure whether they are lies or not. I let these lies sink into my spirit and kept me from following my calling. They kept me from believing that God is actually the one that will do anything in my life. 

I am the queen of self doubt.

Lately, I have heard some pretty amazing leadings from God on my heart, but with these callings comes even bigger doubts. When God calls you to do anything great, like really truly great, whether it is parenting or a career or a ministry, the enemy will always try to keep you from doing it. 

Friends, this week, the enemy is winning in my head. I know in my head these are all lies, and I feel in my gut (btw, that's where my Holy Spirit lives) that God has called me to something big. Something that only He can do through me as a willing vessel, but my self doubt has been real this week. Which also means my doubt in God's goodness and strength and plan has been the real sin. 

Am I the only one? Does anyone else doubt their callings in career, love, parenthood, life or ministry?

The more intense the self doubt, the more important it is for you to keep moving forward. The enemy knows how important you are to God's plan, so he's going to try his absolute hardest to get you to doubt yourself.

"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8

That time a potential client told me I was "too young"...

Pretty sure I'm screwing up my kids, but...